Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Can't We All Just Get Along?!

Well, here we are. The world, including the United States, has convinced Israel to stand down on its military adventure into the seventh century against an illegally-recognized gang of street thugs (Hezbollah). And now, thanks to the United Nations, Hezbollah even has some legitimacy. What a horrendous mistake that was.

Let us not forget who started this turmoil ... yeah, that's right, the Islamic fascists in Lebanon that have managed to scare away their own Lebanese military. This group of turban-wearing "freedom fighters" illegally crossed into Israel and killed and kidnapped some of their soldiers.

Israel, fully in the right, responded by going into Lebanon, since their own military cannot control Hezbollah. After more than a month of heavy fighting, Israel clearly had the upper hand over the terrorists. At this time, Hezbollah started crying about fairness in warfare. I have an idea, if you can't keep up with the big dogs, stay on the porch!

I would imagine during this cease fire, which only aids Hezbollah in re-arming, with help from their good buddies Iran and Syria, will prove disastrous for all involved. I think in fairly short order, the world will be reintroduced to nuclear weapons, and they will come from "nuclear-free" Iran and go into Israel.

Obviously, we have our own problems here. Just last week a very large-scale terrorist operation was thwarted by British authorities. Terrorists, probably Al-Qaida, had planned to detonate explosives in the restrooms of up to ten trans-Atlantic jets en route to the United States.

Several have been arrested in many countries and several more are being sought by authorities worldwide. Last week, the terrorist operation was stopped within days of a test run, with the actual events scheduled to take place Wednesday, August 16.

We owe our sincere gratitude to the British, who were smart enough to keep their investigation secret until near the end. They probably did this because they repeatedly see our wonderful news media in this country giving away precious secrets to the enemies we as American citizens all face - like it or not.

It seems to me that those responsible, like the New York Times, for divulging national security information should be arrested and tried for treason. If found guilty, the media company should be held responsible financially, and the actual offender should be executed. Am I wrong?

I don't think I like the New York Times very much. They have sued for audio recordings of 911 emergency calls to and from the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Apparently, they will have their wish. I don't think that these tapes should be made public, out of respect for the families of those killed.

Terrorists ... DENIED!

How does that old song go? Oh, yeah, "keep on knockin' but you can't come in!" The good guys have once again thwarted the turban-wearing savages from the seventh century. As I understand it, eleven planes were to be hijacked and blown up in mid-air, thereby killing all the passengers, the terrorist "martyrs", the crews, and of course, the multi-million dollar planes.

The plot was broken up in the United Kingdom and 21 people were arrested, about 10 more are being sought. The flights were reportedly heading for the United States. The terrorists were planning to use liquid explosives hidden inside common items, such as toothpaste, shaving cream, lipstick, etc. These items are now banned in U.S. carry-on luggage.

For anyone out there who thought Islam was the religion of peace, or that Muslims want to be our friends ... think again. Get your head out of your ass! The "leader" of the Muslim movement, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini, of Iran, has made their intentions crystal clear.

A passage from the Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in an 11th-grade Iranian schoolbook, is revealing. "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another's hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours."

Translation: Either the world will convert to Islam, or Muslims will bring about a world war, in which they don't care if they die.

Solution: Kill 'em all!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Liberal or Conservative?

Your Political Profile:
Overall: 90% Conservative, 10% Liberal
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Pardon me for saying so, but this is BULLSHIT!

Pardon me for saying so, but this is BULLSHIT! Why is it that no matter what the fuck happens anywhere in the world, there is always someone that's going to oppose the United States or its spectacular military (which is BY FAR, the BEST IN THE WORLD)?

In a recent event in Iraq, apparently some Iraqi factions were doing a little infighting, and the United States military is lying about it, at least according to the ASSociated Press' (AP) account of the story. If I'm wrong, I apologize, but it doesn't look that way to me.

Here is a little snippet of an AP article regarding the story ...

"The trouble started when a roadside bomb struck an Iraqi army convoy, which police said was made up of Kurdish soldiers. Four soldiers were killed and three were wounded, police said. U.S. Military officials put the casualty figure at one dead and 12 wounded."

So what, is the ASSociated Press saying the United States military is lying?! It sure looks that way to me. You know, this is BULLSHIT (my Tombstone, AZ, young, liberal blogging friend [who has STILL not produced a front page article for the Web site!] :-) ). I'm sick of all of these whiny, Bill Clinton (getting blow jobs in the Oval Office while on official United States duty, staining MY [as that Office is OUR Office (not his)] Presidential carpet with his DNA, not to mention poor, fat, Monica's blue dress)-supporting, uneducated bleeding-heart liberals ATTACKING this country and the very foundation it stands on.

Fuck the liberals! FUCK 'EM! Don't you understand what will happen to this country if you (bleeding-heart liberal fuckin' Democrats) get your way?! It will probably happen regardless. Have you ever read the Angels and Demons or the Da Vinci Code? We're all FUCKED!!

Before the total annihilation of the world as we know it, GO Phoenix Suns! I'm outta' here! Adios (for my friends south of the border [soon to be north of the border; since no one will oppose them])!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Why Does a Convicted Terrorist Get to Live?

Well, it has come to pass. Al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui (or however the hell you spell his Allah-damned name) has been spared execution. I have mixed feelings on that, as do most people.

Considering that execution is what he claims to have wanted (so as to be a martyr and get 72 of those ever-so-plentiful virgins), I guess I'm happy that instead of death, he will get to live out the rest of his life in a cage. A small one, at that. I am still torn, however.

Given the nature of his rhetoric, behavior, and prior acts, not to mention the crimes he was on trial for, there should have been enough to execute him, in my humble opinion. If you remember, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was involved with the deaths of 168 people.

McVeigh, luckily, was executed for his role in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which occurred on April 19, 1995. This man, the worst domestic terrorist in American history, was put to death by lethal injection (far too humane considering the crime) on June 11, 2001. His execution was exactly three months before 9/11, so he never got to witness that, which the sick fuck probably would have enjoyed immensely.

It seems to me that the old "eye for an eye" treatment would have been appropriate here with Moussaoui. Well, actually, since his silence contributed to the deaths of almost 3,000 people, I guess he should be executed 3,000 times, no?

I am a staunch supporter of capital punishment. I love it! It makes me happy. I would really have liked it if this sick psycho had been executed.

I wish it could have been performed right on Ground Zero in Manhattan in front of a crowd of victims' families and broadcast worldwide via the internet, just like these fuckers like to do when they behead an innocent civilian in Iraq. Maybe they would enjoy seeing one of their own treated that way.

At any rate, I guess none of that matters now, since he will not be executed. What shall we do with Osama bin Laden? Answer: KILL HIM!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

A Letter to Iran ...

Dear Iran,

Please be advised that it is my belief that the Federal Government of the United States of America is currently studying ways to compel you to comply with the international consensus and demands that you immediately cease and desist with your nuclear ambitions.

I think that it is fairly obvious that a country with a leader that is crazier than a shithouse rat should not be permitted to own one single solitary molecule of nuclear material, let alone all the centrifuges to enrich the material and the missiles to deliver the material.

Perhaps since the majority of the nation there still lives in mud huts under the most extreme totalitarianism that Iran has seen in quite some time, I suppose it stands to reason that the country has a silent majority in place.

It is unfortunate for that silent majority that would be struck down (killed by hanging or beheading) for having a voice of opposition to the supreme DICKtator there. Incidentally, I won't even begin to try to attempt to think about the possibility of spelling his name. So, we'll just call him the crazy DICKtator.

As you may be aware, their crazy DICKtator on a number of occasions, at least three that I know of, has made it quite clear that he would like to see Israel wiped off the map. Currently, Iran already possesses missiles that are well within range of Israel.

It would appear that U.S. President George W. Bush may have had enough of this insane rhetoric from this particular crazy DICKtator. I believe that sometime between right this minute and the November elections, probably October (what a nice birthday present for me!), the United States military will launch an attack of major proportions against Iran and their crazy DICKtator.

Unlike every skirmish since the end of World War II, I further believe that in the war against Iran, we will finally do what we should have done a long time ago in this region of the world. I think that this time, we will remind the world who the hell we are. I think we will use tactical nuclear weapons.

Hopefully, once this is over, which I don't think will take long, the world will get off our collective ass about everything. This is our time. Let those who disagree experience the wrath of the United States of America.

So, Iran, in closing, stick that in your hookah pipe and smoke it!

Friday, March 31, 2006

OK, I'll Say It (Since No One Else Will)

Am I the only one in America that has noticed the full-blown invasion of our culture and our borders? Has anyone else noticed that our laws and political-correctness are being used against us? Are we really a nation of xenophobic racists and bigots as most of the world would like to convince us that we are?

It really is quite fascinating to me that we have gotten so wrapped up in trying not to hurt anyone's feelings that we almost cease to function as a nation ... and that's just what "they" want.

If I'm not mistaken, this place is still called the United States of America, isn't it? It hasn't changed to the Estados Unidos de Mexico Norte, has it? If not, then why the hell are we being overrun by ILLEGAL immigrants?!

For the past three days in Tucson, AZ, where I work, these little juvenile delinquents, some of which go to school ILLEGALLY (as they are not citizens of the U.S.), have decided to walk out of school and cause mayhem in downtown Tucson.

While running amok, they are also toting Mexican flags and saying things like, "today we march - tomorrow we vote!" I think that when they return from their journey into idiocy, they should be served with expulsion papers by their school administrators, and then promptly be deported for anti-American propaganda.

Unfortunately, I don't think any of that will happen, and I think they're right about being able to vote (which they already do, also ILLEGALLY) ... if the government in this country doesn't get their collective heads out of their collective asses, and in a hurry.

Did you know that about 24% of our criminal population in U.S. jails are ILLEGAL immigrants from Mexico? Does that surprise you?

This whole thing is just unbelievable to me. Today on the news they were talking about how a disproportionate amount of Arab Muslim men are attending truck driving schools across America. Now why would Arab Muslim men want to be truck drivers? They don't want to use tankers full of hazardous materials and drive them into targets full of American citizens, do they?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Thank you ... thank you. Please sit down.

Hi there. I've never done a blog before, I'm sure you can tell. So, I guess I'll feel like a pig on rollerskates for awhile. I'll catch on. So, for the time being, just be patient, please.